Miss you guys, my dear Kent’s mates^^

Took this pic during the farewell party with my beloved Kent’s mates!!!

Too bad that I didn’t manage to camwhore with every1 of them~

Though we can’t meet each other often,

but I believe all of us will stay happily & healthily always!!

Take care my dear mates till we meet again!!

Enjoyable time^^

Here I’m with dearest Yvonne & her mum^^

Took this pic when I traveled to KL on last Dec~

Thanks God that we were managed to meet up

& thanks to them for the treats in IR 1968!!!

miss & the love over there!!!



Though it’s only a very short meet up,

I’m very contented for having enjoyable time with them!!

Super looking forward to meet them again & the rest of KS’s kakis!!

May God bless them always^^

Fun & Sweet Memoir^^

Miss you, my dear bestie very much!!!

Thanks God that she managed to spare some time

to accompany me when I traveled to KL last December!!



Proudly to introduce my dear bestie to you, Miss Joanne!

Knew her in my Uni & we are getting more and more closer

at the 3rd year of our Uni~

I’m very grateful that she helped me alot whenever I need help~



Btw, she is a ‘Human-GPS’!!!! 😛

Not only that, she is good in calculation & problem-solving too!!!

How lucky am I to have her as my bestie!!!



Muackssssss~ Miss you, my dear!!

Even though I’m not posted in KL

but I hope we could meet up whenever we are free!!!

Take good care and may God bless you fruitfully!!

Pretty Mates^^

Took this pic when I traveled to KL last December~

They are my pretty mates from high school!!

From left: Yen, Nana & me



Glad that both of them are sweet enough to meet me up!!

It’s a long while that we do not meet each other

even though we are working in KL~



I pray that both of them are always

having great health & stay pretty forever^^



Gonna miss them & looking forward to meet them again in the coming days~